Discover student life and the city of Utrecht
Discover student life and the city of Utrecht
Luiza (24) Applied Data Science
Smaranda (22) Global Sustainability Science
Foodtruck Broodje Ben
Broodje Ben is a household name among Utrecht students
Miguel (25) Applied Data Science
Maya (24) Spanish Language and Culture
Daphne (27) Human Computer Interaction
Coffeebar Anne & Max
In the summer, the courtyard garden is a great place to be.
Daphne (27) Human Computer Interaction
Camila (24) Social Challenges, Policies and Interventions
Luiza (24) Applied Data Science
Louis Hartlooper Complex
Former police station, now one of the coolest movie theatres in the city!
Camila (24) Social Challenges, Policies and Interventions
Luiza (24) Applied Data Science