Discover student life and the city of Utrecht

Study at UU

What tips do our students have about the buildings, faculties and libraries when you study in Utrecht? Tips where you can get coffee, study quietly or get information.

In which buildings do our students study and what else can you find there? VIEW ALL

Descartes Hall
Descartes is a small study building where you can always meet your friends for a pleasant study session.

Open stage

Ruppert building
As a student you will have most of your classes here. It's also close to the Educatorium where you grab a coffee or lunch.


David de Wied building
As a Science student you will come to this building a lot!


Instituto Cervantes
Become a member of Instituto Cervantes, Utrecht’s centre of Spanish language

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Visit the Faculty of Geo Sciences in Vening Meinesz, its modern knowledge hub in Science Park

Study Spot, Housing & Information Point
Our students give the best advice. VIEW ALL

UU for U Student Service
The student desk for all students, come here for your questions on tuition fee, housing, university psychologists and much more.

UU Career Services
For all your questions on career related topics, from CV checks to personal coaching sessions for job interviews.

David de Wied building
As a Science student you will come to this building a lot!


Ruppert building
As a student you will have most of your classes here. It's also close to the Educatorium where you grab a coffee or lunch.

Study Associations
Some nice student associations of our students; for activities and drinks. VIEW ALL

Meet the people of UMTC and become a part of this small-scale social club

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Visit the Faculty of Geo Sciences in Vening Meinesz, its modern knowledge hub in Science Park

Instituto Cervantes
Become a member of Instituto Cervantes, Utrecht’s centre of Spanish language

Open stage
Utrecht University has two libraries to study and borrow books.