Discover student life and the city of Utrecht

Science Park Areas

Our students will tell you what to do at the Science Park; the centre of the university.

Science Park
Our students will tell you what to do at the Science Park; the centre of the university. VIEW ALL

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Visit the Faculty of Geo Sciences in Vening Meinesz, its modern knowledge hub in Science Park

David de Wied building
As a Science student you will come to this building a lot!


UU Career Services
For all your questions on career related topics, from CV checks to personal coaching sessions for job interviews.

UU for U Student Service
The student desk for all students, come here for your questions on tuition fee, housing, university psychologists and much more.

Ruppert building
As a student you will have most of your classes here. It's also close to the Educatorium where you grab a coffee or lunch.
