Discover student life and the city of Utrecht
Discover student life and the city of Utrecht
Berne (27) Media and culture
Panagiota (29) Linguistics
Broadway American Steakhouse
Perfect spot for steak lovers
Studentlife Team Jerome & Luiza
Anouk (22) English Language and Culture
Vito (26) Lingustics
Teds Utrecht Oudegracht
Utrecht's ultimate brunch spot, where every day feels like a weekend getaway.
Vito (26) Lingustics
Manu (23) Law and Economics
Berne (27) Media and culture
Ohøj coffee roasting
This cozy cafe provides great coffee, the barista is always dancing and is always in a good mood, so it is the ideal study break location!
Manu (23) Law and Economics
Berne (27) Media and culture