Discover student life and the city of Utrecht

Dieudonnee ’s favourites

Pandhof Sinte Marie
It's an oasis of tranquility in the center of Utrecht. It's a beautiful inner garden remaining from the former Mariakerk (St. Mary's Church).

University Library City Centre
There are a few hidden rooms with nice study spots. For example, there's a room with a beautiful view of the Voorstraat.

They have a nice collection of items, and on the ground floor, there is an arcade machine and free beer for while you're shopping.

Papi's Comfort Kitchen
This is a nice restaurant with delicious dishes. The staff is friendly, and it has a beautiful interior.

Savannah Bay
It's a cute bookshop specializing in subjects such as poetry, decolonization, nature & climate, gender studies, feminism, and LGBTQIA+.

Descartes Hall
This building is the home of my studies. My favorite places are the common area and rooms with bean bags.