Discover student life and the city of Utrecht

Sanne’s favourites

Restaurant LE:EN
This is a wonderful restaurant to have dinner with friends and to taste all the snacks by sharing them. I can also recommend the cocktails!

Park Het Gagelbos
During all the lockdowns I could be found here a lot to rollerblade or walk. Nice and close to home, but not in the city.

The association room of U.A.V
I come here between my lectures, for example to have a cup of coffee or to have a beer with my friends after 5 pm.

Botanical Gardens
It's cool that your're so in the middle of the Botanical Gardens

Date idea

Green Up
This store is an oasis in the city and I like to come here for a drink or to find a nice gift

Ruppert building
It has a nice studying area and a big lecture hall.

University Library Science Park
The library is one of my favorite places to be at the campus, especially when on an exam period. I really enjoy the silence it offers.

Garden Center Steck
I like to come here to look for plants, but also to visit the garden cafe, Noordertuin.