Discover student life and the city of Utrecht

Jamal’s favourites

Shopping centre Hoog Catharijne
Ever since I was young, every time I visit the city centre, I always make a tour through the mediamarkt. Window shopping, I can enjoy that.

Hijmans building
With online lectures, the days when we have physical classes always feel like the school field trips of the yore.

University Library City Centre
Persoonlijk vind ik deze bibliotheek veel huiselijker dan de universiteitsbibliotheek in het Utrecht Science Park. De inrichting van deze bibliotheek geeft mij rust.

Feestcafé De Vrienden
Maybe this is strange coming from a Med student, but life is more than studying. Sometimes your prefrontal cortex also deserves a night off. De Vrienden is perfect for that!

Bar dancing

Nature Reserve Amelisweerd
It gives me the space to empty my head once in a while.